Taking a step back to reflect on life
Life can be pretty overwhelming at times, especially with no sense of certainty or stability it can feel quite challenging. Sometimes there is so much going on, I feel like my brain goes into autopilot at times where I just persistently chase a goal without questioning anything about it. But every now and then, it is good to stop by, take a moment and reflect on life. Reflect on how far you've come and recount the mistakes you made along the way. Don't get me wrong though, I don't mean to get stuck in the past or repent over how I could've done things differently, it is just a way of questioning your decisions to keep yourself in check.
For the last 4 or 5 years I've been pretty disconnected with the outside world, there are times when I've absolutely no idea what is going on. But living solitary also gives you a lot of time to review yourself and makes you less prone to making bad decisions in my opinion.
Finding your own Moral Compass
For me upholding my integrity is imperative and above everything else I do, I can't sleep properly knowing I wronged someone intentionally, mistakes are allowed though because mistakes are genuine. But having a faulty moral compass doesn't work with me at all, and this is why even though I've changed a lot over the years there are some things that remain constant, some core values that I never want to get rid of.
Though every now and then some event will test your morality in unexpected ways and will make you doubt your integrity. And unlike a regular compass a moral one does not deal in absolutes, it is subjective pertaining to what you believe in what you think is right. At times like these the best solution for me has always been listening to what people close to me have to say, not seeking validation from people on the outside, rather than from someone close to you who can give you unbiased advice no matter how harsh it might sound. And I've been blessed with good people all my life that is probably the only thing I've earned, I don't make a lot of friends but I fully intend to hold on to them and keep them close. Apart from all this the realization of knowing that no matter how hard you try there are some things you can never control/change has helped me grow pretty calm over time and at the end of the day it is all that matters.